Are we really independent?

The more than three centuries of Spanish regime in the Philippines opened up the burning quest for freedom of revolutionaries who fought hard to make…

The Beauty Within

Beauty is a funny thing, whether you purposely defy beauty ideals or you are the type to grab the latest trend. The vast majority of…

Neue Heimat in der Ferne

Seit Menschengedenken gibt es Wanderbewegungen. Unterschiedliche Gründe veranlassen die Menschen, eine angestammte Gegend zu verlassen in der Hoffnung, woanders bessere wirtschaftlich Voraussetzungen und Erwerbsmöglichkeiten vorzufinden….

Letter from Alice

Tonight is the last time I will think of you. This is it. The final piece that will complete the bitter treasures I’ve held inside…


Habang ako´y nagmamaneho at binabagtas ang daan ng Teesdorf, agad kong napagmasdan ang kagandahan ng paglubog ng araw. Makikita ang guhit ng sinag ng araw….